Emergency / Crisis Help

  • Call 988  988 is the new nationwide three-digit number now available for suicide and mental health crisis, available to everyone in the U.S. Compassionate, accessible care and support are available for anyone experiencing a mental health-related emergency – whether that is thoughts of suicide, a mental health or substance use crisis or any other kind of emotional distress. People can also dial 988 if they are worried about a loved one who may need crisis support. If an individual’s physical health or safety is at immediate risk, please continue to call 911. 
  • William James INTERFACE Referral Service – A mental health and wellness referral Helpline available Monday through Friday, 9 am-5 pm, at (888) 244-6843. This is a free, confidential referral service for residents of participating communities. (The Great Meadows communities that are part of the program are Bedford, Lincoln, and Sudbury.) Callers from these participating communities are matched with licensed mental health providers from an extensive database. Each referral best meets the location, insurance, and specialty needs of the caller.
  • The Living Room by Advocates – The Living Room is a 24-hour crisis alternative to emergency departments visits and hospitalization. Walk-ins are welcome. They do not administer medications or take clinical notes. Support is offered through personal connections and resource referrals. (508) 661-3333 or email TheLivingRoom@Advocates.org
  • Compass Helpline: Direct Support and Information to Navigate Mental Health – Call (617) 580-8541. Staffed by people with first-hand experience navigating the mental health system. Provide support for MA residents:
    1. finding peer and family support
    2. accessing mental health treatment
    3. insurance issues
    4. housing programs
    5. help with employment
    6. public benefits
    7. transportation
    8. police and the legal system
    9. inpatient and discharge rights
    10. substance use and addiction
    11. supports for children and teens
    12. special education and transition to adulthood
  • National Alliance of Mental Illness (NAMI) –  NAMI offers referral resources, education, advocacy, one-on-one support and leadership for individuals who are struggling with mental health issues. Support groups are also available for anyone who would like support around a mental health condition, mental health symptoms, trauma, and more. Helpline: (800) 950-6264.
  • Boston Area Rape Crisis Center (BARCC) – Provides free, confidential support and services to survivors of sexual violence ages 12 and up and their families and friends. They work with survivors of all genders, and their goal is to empower survivors to heal and seek justice in ways that are meaningful to them. They meet the needs of survivors in crisis and long after, and also assist them as they navigate the health-care, criminal legal, social service, and school systems. Call (800) 841-8371 or web chat.
  • Domestic Violence Services Network (DVSN) Helpline – Well-trained and supervised volunteer advocates follow up with referred clients to help them tell their story, assess their risk, develop a safety plan for themselves and their families, and connect with appropriate community resources. Confidentiality and safety are top priorities. Helpline: (888) 399-6111.
  • LGBT National Help Center – Serving gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender and questioning individuals by providing free and confidential peer support and local resources related to coming-out, relationships, bullying, safe sex and more. LGBT National Youth Talkline at (800) 246-7743 (M-F); LGBT National Hotline at (888) 843-4564; Sage LGBT Elder Hotline at (888) 234-7243.
  • Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) – Provides referrals for individuals and family members facing mental and/or substance use challenges to local treatment facilities, support groups, and community-based organizations. National Helpline at (877) 726-4727; 24 hours a day, 7 days a week (English and Spanish).
  • Presentation: The Impact of Trauma on the Brain and Functioning